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She appears composed, so she is, I suppose

Hi there,

Welcome to this unorganised collection of my writings, thoughts, creative notes and ramblings. It may not be coherent and at times may be a little hard to follow. Such is the nature of language and I'm not writing for anyone else, just myself, in an attempt to organise my thoughts and to aid me with my creative work but please feel free to peruse and comment if you wish to do so.



Friday, 8 May 2009

Time For Your Close-Up!

Thought I'd upload a few more images of my latest book sculpture. These ones really gie you a feel of the tactile quality it possesses and also highlights the mottled colour effect...

I will definitely be trying this technique out again as I love the way there's no way to scratch off the paint neatly with a screwdriver! The images themselves are really delicate but in using a screwdriver to etch it gives the work a rougher look - of which I am a fan (I also like the reminder of corrector fluid I get with the white acrylic!). The revealing of the women in the images works well with the idea that I'm scratching away at the surface revealing the books underneath. The books themselves being Bratz annuals highlight the absurdity of beauty and hint at the darker side of sex and sexuality. Especially as I also drew these images originally in Red Dragon because I wanted to explore the " pursued sexual victim" described in the book.

For the next few weeks I'm going to be focusing on my exhibition; meaning I need to get on and make that darn table! But in the meantime...here are the close-ups:

These are the original images, one is from a sketchbook from October 2008 and the other is one of my more recent sketches done in the Red Dragon book April/May 2009:

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